Our Events

About Our Events

Children from Costa Rica, Ecuador, Haiti, and Honduras.have the opportunity to participate in several LHLM events. We offer summer programs, Vocational Bible School, the August School Supply, and agriculture and historical trips. Our goal is to help as many children as possible, and we need your help. Donations can be made monthly or on an annual basis. We appreciate all donations.

Sponsor a Child Today
Summer Events
We Offer
Summer Programs
School Supply
Vacation Bible School
Incountry Events

Agriculture & Nutrition

One of our major events will be the Agriculture & Nutrition trip. Children from Port-au-Prince's streets will be introduced to the world of agriculture. As part of this trip, the children will visit multiple farms, providing them with an opportunity to learn about nutrition and economics.

Historical Trips

Through our historical trips, the children will gain an understanding of Haiti's past. During spring break, sponsored children will be able to attend historic tours. On our first trip, we visit Compagnie de Saint-Domingue, and on our second trip, we visit Fort Jacques.

LHLM Transportation

God has provided us with the ability to partner with the Christian Revival Center of Savannah/Haiti. We now use a bus to transport our children to different locations throughout the country.

Join our Community Garden! Claim your garden bed and start something fresh today!
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